Sunday, 16 September 2007

Shaun of the Dead (2004)


Starring: Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.

Zombies, gotta love em. Just when Shaun's life was getting a bit mundane, same old same old, what happens to liven it up?...Zombies! What are the odds?

This is a story of a fight to stay alive, and drink beer at your favourite pub, whilst zombies are attacking, although they don't move very fast do they? Shaun, the hero of this story is a normal guy who is stuck in a rut with his life. His girlfriend Liz is fed up, he shares a flat with his scrounging best mate and also with his anally retentive, always angry mate. His relationship with his mum is neglected and he spends all his free time playing video games or drinking at his favourite pub the Winchester. His day to day tasks have become so routine...wake up, have breakfast, walk to shop for a coke a cola, buy a newspaper and get bus to work, that when zombies are walking slowly through the streets eating people, he doesn't even notice!

Shaun works at an electrical goods shop where he is an ignored supervisor with nil authority. He has to be reminded to visit his mum by his step dad and to bring flowers. Oh, and he forgets his and his girlfriends anniversary. So, he tries to book a table at a restaurant after he already said he had, of course he can't...cue break up with girlfriend Liz. Shaun and Ed go on a boozy night out to take Shaun's mind off it. Zombies are about then, do they spot them...noooooo!

Meanwhile, he keeps seeing things, did that lady really eat that pigeon? And then it all starts. His anally retentive flatmate Pete shouts at them in the early hours of the morning when they are playing loud music, after their not so wild night out. Pete has a headache, and mentions that someone bit him...not that odd really...yet! Next morning, there is a girl in the yard, they mess about thinking she is drunk, you know, taking pictures and making fun, that is until she falls onto a pole, impales herself and then gets back up again! Yuck! Then, on the news it is mentioned that a situation has occurred where the dead have risen and are attacking others (you think?!), if you get bitten you will become one of them. It is advised that the only way to stop the zombies is to remove the head or destroy the brain! Nice! It also mentions that you should keep your doors and windows locked...oops. So, zombies are in the house now as idiot Ed laft the door open. Shaun and Ed attack the girl and this other guy zombie buy throwing vinyl LPs at them, not the good ones though! Then finally they take a baseball bat and whack, crush their heads! yuck!

So, a rescue mission now to save Liz and Shauns mum. They plan it all out, several times actually before heading off to Shauns mums house. Ed decides to stay outside and, em, check out Shaun's step dads Jaguar...uh oh! Shaun goes in, talks to his mum, prepares to kill his step dad Phillip as he has been bitten, but is ok at the minute, so Shaun lets him live...for now! They all scramble into the Jag, Which Ed drives, very fast. They speed off to Liz' flat, splatting a few zombies on the way! Shaun climbs up the side of the building and in through the window, after a bit of coercing, Liz and her flat mates join them. More zombie splatting, then off to... oh, his step dad has been bitten remember, so isn't he due to change...aaaah! Everybody out of the car!

Surrounded by zombies, no car and minus a step dad, the gang head off to the safest place they know...The Winchester pub! They have an adventure and Shaun even gets to bounce over a fence using a trampoline...very cool! But, did his mum get bitten? Hmmm. Pretending to be zombies the gang make their way through the undead crowd, but Shaun has to lead the zombies away as they all get spotted for being fake zombies when they start arguing in front of them.

Once in the pub, people start dying, and of course people start changing into zombies as they get bitten. Eventually only Shaun, Ed and Liz battle through the evil dead with the help of a winchester rifle...of course, the winchester pub wouldn't be the same without the gun!

This film is amazingly funny, I especially love the scene when Shaun and the gang beat the zombie pub landlord over the head with pool ques to the music 'Don't stop me now,' by Queen, very funny!

'You got red on you.' Love it!

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