Monday, 20 August 2007

BEAN (1997)


Starring: Rowan Atkinson and Peter Nichols

I don't get how this massive mistake could happen, and then how in the name of all that is holy does he get away with it! I digress, let me start from the very beginning...

Mr Bean (Atkinson) is asleep in the Royal National gallery in England when he is supposed to be doing his job. He is the caretaker, but not a very good one at best. The big boss dudes want him out and are all agreed to fire him when the head suddenly announces that he is very fond of Mr Bean actually and will do no such thing as fire him as he has been nothing but loyal bla de blah. So, cunningly, the boss dudes decide to send him to L.A, yep, they are going to let U.S.A deal with him. A Los Angeles art gallery have requested a British scholar to come and talk about the famous painting 'Whistlers Mother,' at an unveiling. So what do they do, you guessed it in one, they send Bean under the guise of Art Scholar...The scene is set.

Oh dear, that pretty much sums it up. We have an eccentric nutcase loose in L.A in the family home of David Langley (Peter Nichols), who works at the L.A gallery and whose job is on the line.
Bean manages to befriend the son of the family, but seems to enrage all the other members. Then, he goes to work with David....All hell breaks loose! Excellent bathroom scene though! I cringe when the boss walks in and catches him.

So, basically, Bean overstays his welcome, Davids wife and kids move out on the orders of Beans removal from the house....Somehow, Bean manages to create destruction, and yes, the painting is involved. David turns to booze for comfort, and everything looks very bad. And only then does he blow up the microwave trying to cook a turkey for Davids boss!

Feeling very guilty at what he has done, Bean begins to dwell. Until, a light bulb goes ping in his head. He sets off under the cover of darkness to the gallery armed with eggs, laxatives, underpants, a torch and a hairdryer. He gets there on a skateboard of all things and puts his plan into action to make right what he made spectacularly wrong.

I just wet myself with laughter every time i watch this film. There are scenes that just make you sore you laugh that much. He always manages to make things right after getting into weird situations, how is this? Like at the hospital when he saves the life of Davids daughter (by accident of course!) Or in the operating theatre! (Don't ask!) He is and will forever be an enigma, But he is British and you have got to love him!

Watch is incredibly funny, cheesy and down right enjoyable! Laugh out Loud humour.

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