Friday, 24 August 2007

Men in Black (1997)


Starring: Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones.

I love the concept of this movie, aliens are all around us and whats more they even look, act and dress like us. They even work in mundane, everyday jobs like the rest of us. Of course, the government know all about these aliens on earth, in fact they have a special branch to watch, monitor and regulate what happens regarding alien activity and their whereabouts on the planet. They even monitor the jobs they take and when they leave the planet, for how long, why and when they will be returning. That special department is a secret government agency of men and women cut off from society referred to only as the Men in Black.

To get you used to what the film is all about we start with Agent K (Jones) who is in the desert retiring (to put it politely) an agent who has got a little bit passed it in years and has begun to fail in carrying out his duties which we see here when an illegal alien is trying to sneak onto the planet. The illegal alien is actually dressed as a Mexican illegal alien, as in he is dressed like an illegal human immigrant...oh, you get what i mean (Ironic isn't it). Anyway, Agent K blasts the head off the alien as it charges at hi blundering partner (making a delightful gooey mess) and wipes the memories of the human witnesses with his crafty pocket neuraliser, before proceeding to wipe the memory of his partner who by now is gazing at the stars. These neuralisers are nifty, you get your memory wiped, the agent implants a new one and you are none the wiser. Cool huh? hmmm, wonder if they already exist?

Let us jump to James (Smith) an NYPD agent who is chasing a criminal across Manhattan. He manages to keep up with this REALLY fast guy by running, jumping on buses and riding on the back of trucks. He eventually catches up with this dude at the top of a building, but wait...did he just blink extra eyelids?! Spooky.

Agent K then tracks James down after catching wind of the chase with the eyelid dude and manages to recruit him, ah not that easy though. James has to go through strict government training! Lets just say he seems like the least likely choice as in the firing range he shoots through the head of a cardboard cut out of a defenseless little girl! I love the scene where he pulls the table up to his chair during a silent test, laugh out loud moment as well as being cringe worthy.

So, obviously Smith is hired or his part in the film would be very brief! James cuts out all ties to his life and becomes Agent J. He dons his black uniform, has his fingerprints burnt off and is assigned as Agent K's partner. Their first mission together is hunting down a HUGE cockroach who is stalking Manhattan. This thing breezes onto Earth killing aliens left right and centre whilst looking for what can only be described as a marble but which is actually a galaxy, although it could start a galactic war if this cockroach thing gets a hold of it. Phew, huge responsibility then to stop it! First mission, save planet Earth!

Excellent computer graphics, the aliens look amazing and real. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones work SO well together as their mix of cool, quirky, calm and complacent really get you hooked in the characters adventure. This film is absolutely excellent, I especially love the cockroach trying to blend in to society by squeezing its huge body into a human suit... a guy called Edgar, therefore its an Edgar suit. His wife looked a little shocked when he walked in with his skin hanging off his bones!

Oh yea, sorry, am i rambling? Anyway, watch out for the Noisy Cricket! Probably the most powerful yet tiniest gun you will ever see! Funny film!

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